New Product Launch

Bring your product to market faster than your competition

Millions are spent in development costs: market research, design and trialling, advertising, tooling and logistics to name some. In pharmaceutical terms, a day in development equates to £1m in cost. It stands to reason, therefore, to scrutinise the development process and challenge it with a Lean approach. Launching new products brings a variety of problems that usually come to a head when facing customer expectations on delivery.

As the ramp up in volume occurs, so the process comes under pressure to perform; equipment must cycle at the required speed and conform to quality specifications, human intervention must occur at the appropriate takt and in the correct sequence, and lastly, delivery windows must be met.

LMR have worked through these challenges in the automotive, pharmaceutical, and aerospace sectors. We have the knowhow to make your New Product Launch the best in class. To help launch your products On Time In Full to meet market demand and exceed customer expectations contact us.

"In pharmaceutical terms, a day in development equates to £1m in cost."